Our Programs

Get to know the programs we offer

LeaderShape’s mission is to transform the world by increasing the number of people who lead with integrity™ and a healthy disregard for the impossible. Our programs are designed to help college students and professionals utilize the knowledge of their life experiences to grow as leaders. Whether you’re planning programs for first-generation students, newly elected Greek officers, mid-level managers, senior Student Affairs officers, or C-suite level executives, we want to partner with you to provide one of our programs. 

We know that there are many definitions of leadership out there. In all of our programs we use our leadership definition as a foundation for the content: 

Leadership is the practice of co-creating a just, caring, and thriving world through living uniquely with integrity. 

LeaderShape’s programs are designed using the best thinking and research in professional, personal, and leadership development. Knowing that learning takes place in different ways for each person, we provide that development to our participants in a variety of formats: virtual, in-person, large group, small group, personal reflection, and activities-based learning. 

Participants who engage in our leadership development programs focus on developing their own: 

  • Self-efficacy or leadership confidence
  • integrity as a core value of leadership
  • ability to contribute to creating equitable and caring communities


The LeaderShape Institute provides a supportive learning community that helps individuals identify the values they hold that lead to making a difference in the communities around them.


Catalyst is a one-day program designed for anyone who is interested in starting something extraordinary.


Courageous Dialogue is designed for participants to learn how to engage in challenging conversations and create spaces for courageous conversations within their organizations.


Living in Possibility is one and a half day in-person experience that helps participants develop a practice that will support possibility thinking as it relates to both life and leadership development.


Resilience provides opportunities to explore practices that help strengthen resilience in the face of stress and uncertainty, as well as ways that leaders can work to create resilient communities.


Spark is a virtual, synchronous program that will help individuals determine their values and the causes they care about.

91% of participants say

A LeaderShape experience helped them
develop a capacity to lead.

Learn more about engaging with our programs.